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Before we can lead others effectively, we first need to know and lead ourselves.


Leadership Coaching For Adopted Leaders


This leadership development coaching is designed to increase leadership impact and overall wellbeing for leaders who have been adopted – who now lead or influence others in the course of their professional and personal lives.  

Coaching supports leaders to develop awareness and to harness their strengths.  It also provides a confidential sounding board to successfully manage competing demands, navigate change, develop resilience and thrive in complex working environments.

Being both a leader, and adopted, can bring additional challenges that can impact upon leading effectively.  

Adoption can shape one’s life in subtle yet profound ways; in Self-limiting beliefs and patterns that left unaddressed, can limit potential and be a barrier to a positive and fulfilling personal and professional life experience.   

A coaching partnership can support leaders to unravel, understand, integrate and thrive beyond adoption related challenges.


Based on your desired outcomes, these highly confidential sessions may explore the following:

  • 3 'nuggets' you need to know about being adopted – and how they may impact you as a leader

  • A 'leadership change backpack'

  • Exploring barriers/borders – based on the Primal Wound Theory and 7 Core Issues (by clinician/author Nancy Verrier)

  • Reveal the ‘lenses’ you view yourself and others through in the workplace

  • Re-writing the script

  • Meaning making in work and in life

  • Re-wire your brain for positive personal and professional experiences

  • Self acceptance

  • Belonging and connection

  • Enhancing your reflective abilities – a powerful tool for authentic leadership

  • Practices to enhance presence, grow resilience, agility and emotional intelligence

  • Accountability and celebrating successes

  • Raising your Positivity Ratio


Your Investment includes:

  • 3 months leadership coaching with Jo

  • 90 min coaching sessions face to face, Skype, Zoom or phone (unlimited)

  • Email support outside of your sessions

  • Relevant and valuable resources including: Scientifically proven tools and tips, articles and suggested reading to further support development


We can also work together on 360 degree feedback through the Human Synergistics Life Styles Inventory (LSI 1&2); A globally used assessment tool that helps leaders to identify and understand their thinking patterns, how these influence behaviour, impact on themselves and others, key opportunities for positive development. (There is an additional cost for this Assessment Tool, administration and two hour debrief).


What next?

You will benefit from my expertise, alongside my extensive personal and professional experience in these areas.  

The next step is to set up a brief conversation with me (either online or in person) to discuss if leadership coaching is right for you.