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 About Jo willis

I coach people to live and lead themselves and others consciously and mindfully.

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I bring an in-depth knowledge of and how to; live authentically, transform pain into wisdom, tap into inherent potential, thrive beyond blocks or barriers, navigate the change process, and flourish in any landscape even Covid 19!

My Why – the need to learn to live and lead myself well began over 30 years ago. As I learned how to do this a life-long passion, energy and an insatiable curiosity was ignited ….how we as human beings work, how to be happy, how to; release limiting beliefs and patterns, access and cooperate with our inherent capability for positive development and to see what else is possible. ….in a nutshell how to live a fulfilling, meaningful and purposeful life, though knowing and being our genuine Selves, flourish and contribute to the world being a better place.

Over time I woke up to the realisation that; being adopted at birth and growing up not knowing who I was, feeling disconnected from and rejecting of myself and others, being who I thought everyone else wanted me to be, doing and giving more than others to deserve a place on the planet was not a recipe for a thriving or flourishing life. Unwittingly I was hurting myself and those I loved and lead.

At that time I so wished that I could find someone to guide me through and beyond what I was experiencing and to what else was possible.

I now offer what I wanted from what I learnt personally and professionally.

I bring a breadth and depth of understanding, knowledge and experience of the personal and professional development process’s - the perils and the pleasures of the terrain and can accompany people to all the places within themselves.

I offer the latest evidence based knowledge and resources to empower people in both personal and professional settings to successful positive change. I love distilling evidence based knowledge and wisdom then sharing!

I have worked with over 1500 clients as a leadership, executive and personal coach, I am also facilitator and coach supervisor, with over 30 years experience.

My career began as a social worker and counsellor in the specialist field of Adoption, in which I also have personal experience. I then completed a Masters in Coaching and Mentoring practice at Oxford Brookes University, UK in 2010. Since then I have worked with both the public and private sector. I spent 4 years working in Organisational Development the Ministry of Social Development. This role involved leadership coaching, coach supervision and managing all facets of the Emerging Leaders Programme.

I have worked with a wide range of individuals in a variety of settings to develop personal, professional and leadership attributes and skills.

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  • MA in Coaching and Mentoring practise (Oxford Brookes University Oxford UK 2010)

  • Diploma in Counselling (Weltc Wgtn 1998)

  • Executive and Organisational Coaching Certificate (Coaching Pacific 2016)

  • Professional Mentoring, Supervision and Worlplace Coaching skills Certificate (Unitec 2015)

  • Internationally certified Coach

  • Strengths Performance Coach (Gallup 2013)

  • Accredited in Lominger 360 & Human Synergistics Life Styles Inventories 1 & 2

My Approach

I draw from a foundation of rigorous studies and empirical research coupled with an intuitive, warm and person-centred approach. I facilitate change and development drawing upon transformational adult learning theory, positive psychology, neuroscience and professional coaching skills and tools.

Clients say that they appreciate and value my professional, energised, relaxed and empathic coaching style.

As a qualified and passionate coach I am committed to my ongoing personal and professional development. I engage in regular supervision, individual, peer and group sessions.

When I’m not working

My greatest fulfilment and success in life has been my family. I have been married to Lawrie for 40 years. We are blessed with our two adult children and three gorgeous grandchildren. We live on a hill overlooking the sea in sunny Hawkes Bay.

I walk, practice mindful awareness, do yoga, cycle and generally love being outdoors as much as I can! I am enlivened by city life, inspired by film and the arts. I love to travel for fun and for work.

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About Briggita Baker


As co-author of ‘Awoken’ and an adopted person, Briggita has been on a personal development journey herself and is a passionate supporter of adopted people.

As an experienced facilitator, coach, and resilience expert, I am excited to work alongside Jo offering coaching, mentoring and support to the adoption community. I am also someone who is passionate about helping others to heal from challenging life circumstances, and to thrive beyond self-limiting beliefs.

To enhance what I already bring, I am currently undertaking training in a psychotherapy discipline that is particularly relevant for those who have experienced trauma and separation early in life. I also aim to shortly start my Masters in Counselling.

Relevant Professional Development

  • Treating Trauma Master Series (National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine)

  • The Nature of Trauma (Grief Centre)

  • Mental Health First Aid (St John)

  • Promoting Mental Health at Work (Umbrella Wellbeing)

  • Certificate in Professional Coaching & Mentoring Skills (NZ Coaching & Mentoring Centre)

  • Youthline Counsellor Training

  • Bachelor of Arts (Sociology & History) - First Class Honours (Canterbury University)


You are capable of so much more than you could envisage on your own