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leadership coaching 


Are you?

  • a new or emerging leader feeling a bit overwhelmed with your new or current responsibilities or looking to learn more effective ways lead yourself and your team ? 

  • seeking to grow into your own authentic leadership style on a strong foundation with compelling vision of authentic leadership?

  • an experienced leader wanting quality thinking space amidst the day to day demands and growing complexity to; expand your leadership style and repertoire, get clear on how you are leading and be inspired in life and work?


 Leading others (and ourselves at times) is a tough gig!

There is a plethora of information out there for leaders on how to be an effective however.

The problem clients express is that the quality thinking space, knowledge and support to Be as well as Do in leadership is seldom accessible, especially at the start.


Motuhenga/Authentic – in the leadership context means being and bringing one’s whole Self to life and work in order to live and lead well.

Effective leaders aim to be consistently and authentically themselves.
— Amanda Sinclair

Why authenticity matters

Authenticity inspires loyalty and engagement. People are drawn to those who exude self-confidence, passion and trustworthiness. When you're being your whole self at work, you'll boast a level of gravitas that will inspire your team to follow your lead.


Do you want to

  • Access and understand your authentic Self?

  • Reflect upon your current capability?

  • Identify habitual limiting patterns impacting upon your leadership?

  • Clarify what needs to grow or change?  

  • Tap into and release your untapped positive potential?

  • Improve your impact?

  • Improve your wellbeing?


Then I can help

through exploratory coaching conversations that empower you to successfully navigate your desired change or growth personally and professionally through;

  • a safe confidential space to be vulnerable

  • a sounding board

  • a quality thinking partner who holds ‘a mirror’ to see what you can’t and what else is possible – you are capable of so much more than you could envisage on your own

  • honest compassionate feedback

  • transformational tools to know who you are Being (Self awareness- your thinking/feeling/strengths/values/your Why)

  • ‘Other management’ – interpersonal tools techniques and resources to influence for good with those you lead

  • skills and knowledge – coaching, conflict, communication

  • a champion to be accountable to and celebrate with

  • access to the latest evidence based tools and resources to enhance sustainable success from Positive Psychology, Neuroscience, Mindfulness, Heart-math, Eastern and Western philosophy.

We can also work together on 360 degree feedback through the Human Synergistics Life Styles Inventory (LSI 1&2); A globally used assessment tool that helps leaders to identify and understand their thinking patterns, how these influence behaviour, impact on themselves and others, key opportunities for positive development. (There is an additional cost for this Assessment Tool, administration and two hour debrief).


Expertise in leadership development

I have coached over 1000 new and experienced leaders to do both well; become more authentic, mindful about what matters, influence for good and enjoy leadership more.


Coaching has left me with a set of tools to apply to help navigate future challenges and opportunities.

Jo has been a key professional support to me over the past five years. Jo is a very competent coach who gained my trust immediately. She has helped me through many career transitions and ups and downs over the years, holding me accountable for my development and celebrating the wins.

The most significant difference is my increased my self-awareness, understanding my styles and patterns and helping me move forward with a plan when I’ve simply felt stuck.

Jo has a beautiful listening style who can very easily and quickly understand with empathy where you are at.
— Courtenay Sheat, Team Leader

Jo’s coaching has been integral to my reflection and taking actions that have been transformational for me.

Working with Jo this year has helped me tremendously.
I have particularly appreciated the opportunity to reflect on my life balance. My time with Jo has really highlighted the importance of having all areas of my life going well. I know that when I am being true to myself and attending to my primary personal relationships this contributes significantly to my positive wellbeing and allows me to be more effective in my work.

A trusted colleague recommended Jo to me and I wholeheartedly endorse her coaching skills.
— Robin Fabish, School Principal

Your Investment

Bespoke packages offer a range of options tailored for your unique situation –

Leadership development for Emerging Leaders
5 session packages

Leadership development for Experienced leaders
5 session packages

Regarding time and pricing, let’s talk.

Where: Your office, mine or on Zoom.

Contact me now for a complimentary conversation to discuss your needs and goals, how coaching would work for you and to answer any questions you may have. Then if you wish to proceed we will work together to plan how to make your vision a reality.